Data-driven recruiting: numbers you need to measure

The recruitment process brings us new challenges every day.  An analysis of the results of recruitment based on numbers gives the most accurate answers to the question of how to optimize the process.

What metrics should be measured regularly to make the recruitment process truly data-driven?

  • Cost per hire. This indicator includes the cost of services, advertising, working hours of the recruiter and technicians, etc.
  • Source quality (efficiency of search channels).  Analyze the effectiveness of each resource you use to find candidates.
  • Number of qualified candidates (ratio of the number of candidates in the first stage of selection to the number of candidates in the technical interview).
  • Quality of hire (quality of hired candidates).  This indicator determines how quickly new employees become fully involved in the work, team and culture of the company.
  • Time to hire (period of closing one vacancy).  How much time does it take on average from receiving an application first employee’s working day?
  • Offer acceptance rate.  The ratio of accepted offers to those offered.
  • Candidate net promoter score (NPS).  Are the candidates ready to recommend the vacancy and company to their friends and acquaintances?
  • First-year turnover rate. The lower this figure, the less the company spends on recruiting.

If you need to integrate metrics into recruiting, set up the whole process or delegate it – contact us, we will be happy to help!